Posts tagged fort worth birth photographer
Dani’s Birth Story: Embracing the Birth Center experience after 3 hospital births

Some women make childbirth look effortless, and Dani is certainly one of them. With three unmedicated hospital births under her belt, she could be the poster child for easy, natural labor.   Although all her hospital experiences have been wonderful, birth centers have always intrigued Dani.  For her fourth baby, she decided to switch things up and experience the beauty of a birth center birth.

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Is Your Best Birth Class™ really the best?

Preparing for the labor and delivery process itself, well, that can be a little nerve-wracking. Finding a good birth class makes a big difference in your birth experience. I had the privledge of attending the Your Best Birth Class and found out if it’s really worth the investment.

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Holt Alexander | A Birth Story at Flourish Birth Center

With multiple babies come a variety of birth experiences. Nobody knows this to be true more than Laura. After hospital births with her first three babies, she wanted a different experience. Drawn to the relaxing atmosphere and the freedom to labor as she wished, Laura chose the beautiful Flourish Birth and Wellness Center in Flower Mound, Texas for the birth of her fourth baby.

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Normal things that happen during child birth you shouldn't worry about

A lot goes down during labor and childbirth. Many things happen during your birth experience that are completely normal and happen in nearly every birth I’ve been able to photograph. So I thought I’d share some of the “normal” things that come up unexpectedly you might not be prepared for.

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Paul Curtis III: A Dallas Birth Story

The birth of Paul Curtis III was awe-inspiring. There is no other word to describe it. It was beautifully joyful, but what really captivated me was Rashida’s power and control during her birth despite transferring from home to hospital for delivery.

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Beckett | An Major League Birth Story in Fort Worth

When Atlanta Braves Pitcher Chris Martin takes the mound during an MLB game, no one is surprised when that ball clocks 93 MPH across home plate.

So it should come as no surprise that his wife, Dani, would have her own high-speed skills as well. But for Dani, her fast pitch stats are for the birth of her babies, especially her second baby.

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Adeline Louise: A Birth Story

Second babies are special, especially from repeat clients.

When Ashley reached out to tell me she was pregnant again, I was thrilled! I loved being part of her first birth experience but I knew this time would be different for her - as second experiences often are.

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How to prep your home for great birth photos

Planning to give birth at home and want great photos? There are a few super simple action-items you can do to prep your birth space and turn your birth photographs from good to great!

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How to look great in birth photos

Going bare-faced for photographs can be a little daunting. There are a few things you can do throughout your pregnancy, or at the very least, during the last few weeks of your birth to help you put your best face-forward.

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What to wear for great birth photos

I’ve recently been asked what you should wear to look good in your birth photographs. It took me a minute, because you typically don’t wear much during labor & delivery. But I’ve got a list of three items you should pack to wear during your labor & delivery and the links to shop them! And yes, Target is one of them.

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6 Snacks to pack for your birth for nausea

Every birth planning article tells you to pack snacks in your birth bag, but they forget to mention the nausea and vomiting that comes with labor will make eating the last thing you want to do. But keeping your nutrition and energy up is super IMPORTANT. So we’ve prepared a helpful shopping list of snacks that will help you power through nausea and provide the energy needed for your delivery.

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Thanks for the not-so-great things

This Thanksgiving , while you share all you are thankful for this holiday, don’t forget to take a moment and be thankful for the not-so-perfect moments in life.

Dallas/Fort Worth Birth Photographer Birth & Life Photography

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Planning for an Unplanned Birth Experience | Dallas/Fort Worth Birth Photography Birth & Life Photography

There are so many checklists and tips for creating the perfect birth plan but many women are traumatized each year when their birth experience does not go according to plan. Help yourself fend off Birth PTSD with this comprehensive checklist to prepare for the unplanned birth experience.

Dallas/Fort Worth Birth Photographer Birth & Life Photography

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Birth Photography Award

I am so proud to announce that Alex Shelley Photography has been awarded a Bronze Award from the Rise International Photography Awards in the Birth Photography category.

Dallas/Fort Worth Birth Photographer Birth & Life Photography

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The Effarah Family

I spent an entire day with Sarah, Sam & their boys, documenting their Life As We Know It. It was such an ordinary, wonderful day.

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