Posts tagged birth center photography
Dani’s Birth Story: Embracing the Birth Center experience after 3 hospital births

Some women make childbirth look effortless, and Dani is certainly one of them. With three unmedicated hospital births under her belt, she could be the poster child for easy, natural labor.   Although all her hospital experiences have been wonderful, birth centers have always intrigued Dani.  For her fourth baby, she decided to switch things up and experience the beauty of a birth center birth.

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Designing a birth center? Follow these tips for stunning birth photography & client demand

Designing or redesigning a birth center?  As a veteran birth photographer, I’ve worked in a variety of birth spaces - the good, great, and the absolute ugly! In the world of social media influence, aesthetics make an impact - especially when it comes to birth photography and choosing one birth center over another. Here’s a handful of design tips to help your photography!

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