Posts tagged fort worth moms
Is Your Best Birth Class™ really the best?

Preparing for the labor and delivery process itself, well, that can be a little nerve-wracking. Finding a good birth class makes a big difference in your birth experience. I had the privledge of attending the Your Best Birth Class and found out if it’s really worth the investment.

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Capturing Sacred Moments: A Baptism at Good Shepherd Catholic Church, Colleyville, Texas

I had the privilege of documenting the baptism of the Bravo family’s sweet little baby, Cecilia, at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Colleyville, Texas. As a photographer, it is an experience that filled my heart with so much joy and I was honored to witness this beautiful blend of faith and family.

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Planning for an Unplanned Birth Experience | Dallas/Fort Worth Birth Photography Birth & Life Photography

There are so many checklists and tips for creating the perfect birth plan but many women are traumatized each year when their birth experience does not go according to plan. Help yourself fend off Birth PTSD with this comprehensive checklist to prepare for the unplanned birth experience.

Dallas/Fort Worth Birth Photographer Birth & Life Photography

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Photos in Fairmont Fort Worth

I have always loved wandering around the Fairmont neighborhood, and knowing Robin's personality, it was the perfect place to photograph her and her girls.

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