Holt Alexander | A Birth Story at Flourish Birth Center
With multiple babies come a variety of birth experiences. Nobody knows this to be true more than Laura. After hospital births with her first three babies, she wanted a different experience. Drawn to the relaxing atmosphere and the freedom to labor as she wished, Laura chose the beautiful Flourish Birth and Wellness Center in Flower Mound, Texas for the birth of her fourth baby.
As her due date approached, her pregnancy was already showing its differences. Her contractions began weeks before her baby was due to arrive. Hours of working contractions would suddenly stall for days at a time, only to pick back up for a few more hours. Despite all efforts to encourage contractions to continue and strengthen, this cycle of would continue for weeks.
Finally, after days of prodromal labor, Laura’s contractions stayed true. After a long walk in the park and dinner, Laura, her husband NAME, and her eldest child headed to the birth center.
As she and her family settled into the room, Laura eased through each contraction, lunging and swaying. From outward appearance, her contractions did not seem very strong, but as experienced mothers and midwives know, this can be deceiving – your body is still at work.
And so it was! Within no time, this baby was ready to make an arrival! On hands and knees in the birth tub, with one swift contraction, her fourth baby was born!
Big sister was eager to hold and love on her new baby brother, and Laura was ready for a good restful sleep without contractions.
View Holt Alexander’s Birth Story at Flourish Birth & Wellness Center
Birth photography at Flourish Birth and Wellness Center in Flowermound, Texas