Three reasons to hire both a birth photographer AND a doula
If you've done any shopping for doula services or birth photographers, you've noticed there are a quiet a few "two-in-one" services where a birth worker offers both doula and photography services during your birth.
I'm sure these providers take beautiful pictures, and I'm sure they help you during your birth.
Not here.
Because here's the tea... There are three really strong arguments for why I don't provide the McBirth’s combo meal of both birth photography and doula services…and why you should invest in both separately.
The combo plan may seem like a great value (like that supersized fry for 50¢), but it may actually end up costing you more. In a nut shell, one person isn't able to fully serve you best while doing both jobs.
Want to know why?
Keep reading.
1. There's no such thing as multitasking
The fact is multitasking is a myth.
The only way your brain can do multiple things at once is if one task is mindless, like walking. Or, you can manage two things at once if each task uses different parts of the brain, like reading while listening to music.
Dr. Jim Taylor of Psychology Today says that switch from task to task is like playing red-light/green-light with your brain. As we do, those transitions are neither fast or smooth - nor are they effective.
““Multitaskers make more mistakes, remember fewer items, and take longer to complete tasks.” ”
When it comes to your birth, you want your birth support to focus on the birth things, and your photographer to focus on your photographs. And you certainly don't want mistakes from either.
No, you sure don’t.
2. Missed moments are lost forever
The best moments in birth happen in a split second. Unfortunately, you can't recreate most of them (nor will you care to in the throws of labor contractions).
The whole reason you want to hire a birth photographer at all is so you don't miss a single moment of your baby's arrival. Am I right?
But if I'm busy serving you as a doula, I'm going to miss a whole lot of moments - most probably, the moment your baby is born.
You may be saving money with a "two-for" service, but how much is capturing the moment your baby arrives worth to you? Because no amount of money can recreate those precious lost seconds. ZERO.
Invest wisely.
Regret nothing.
3. You deserve the highest quality of care
I love watching doulas do their thing. While birth is a busy game of hurry up and wait for parents (and photographers), doulas like Tonya Buffington of Right Hand Doula do not rest.
Tonya is busy as a mother throughout your birth - helping your birth partner correctly apply counter pressure; helping you figure out your first attempt at breastfeeding; and physically supporting you while you birth in an alternate position - like squatting.
Right Hand Doula Tonya Buffington stood next to this new mom and held her baby for almost an hour so she could breastfeed her new baby. She was still coming out of anethesia, and hospital policy does not allow mothers to hold their baby on their own until fully recovered.
Doulas like Tonya strive to provide you the highest quality of care during your birth experience. And bless them for it. Because having a baby is serious business.
If I served you as doula AND photographer, I would have to step away from physically supporting you to take a few photographs. And I wouldn't be providing you the highest quality of service.
Simply put - you would only receive partial care. And that isn't worth any amount of money.
I know saving money is top priority for families when it comes to having a baby. Been there, changed that diaper. At the end of the day, these three reasons are a few of the most important factors to consider when on the fence about choosing the combo service and getting real value for your birth photography.
As a birth photographer, it is far more important to me to photograph a cohesive and complete birth story for you without missing a moment, doing it with all my focus and heart. My passion is your photographs; that’s where I invest all my efforts for you.
““I want to do one thing, and do it well.” ”
But never fear - I love to help families get the birth story they want by offering both a payment plan as well as a gift registry to offset the cost so you don’t have to settle for the combo meal service.
I hope this helps you out during your search for your birth experience team.
Are you currently searching for a birth photographer or doula? What do you find to be most challenging in your search?