Is Your Best Birth Class™ really the best?
We found out for you!
Preparing for the birth of a child is both exciting and a little bit scary, especially if you are a first-time parent. Picking nursery decor and all the cute baby things is the fun part - and the easy part.
Preparing for the labor and delivery process itself, well, that can be a little nerve-wracking. We read pregnancy books, watch a few videos, and sign up for the general birth class offered by the local hospital or facility.
For my own birth, I participated in the standard hospital birth class we are all required to do before our delivery. We cover the basics - breathing, pushing, and watching that typical birth video they all show. That being said, the majority of my birth class focused more on hospital policy than actually helping me manage my pain and labor. I knew when to show up, how to show up, register, not eat, ask for an epidural, insurance paperwork, etc.
Experienced moms will tell you, in the moment those contractions intensify, those general classes can all can be a little bit...lacking.
This is where Your Best Birth Class™ and Barb Davis, owner of Birth | Fort Worth comes in like your fairy godmother - a sparkling, magical beacon of hope, ready to transform your uncertainty into confidence with a wave of her wand.
I recently had the privilege of attending the one-day comprehensive Your Best Birth Class™ in person. As a 10-year veteran birth photographer, I'm pretty seasoned when it comes to birth knowledge. I'm also a mom who has been there, done that, and still has the t-shirt.
Let me tell you - I was blown away not only by the amount of in-depth information she shared but with the hands-on help expecting parents received during the practice activities.
Yes, that's right - practice activities. Barb has attendees actively work through various birth positions for comfort measures, birth progression, and pushing. For each attendee, she is hands on, helping you find and correct your positioning so in the moment, you can effectively apply these positions at the appropriate times during your labor and delivery process.
Guess what? I was NOT paid or asked to write any of this.
After spending that day as a fly on the wall, I knew this was something I needed to share with you. Because when there's something really good that makes your labor and delivery experience better, I'm going to shout that to the hills!
I've known Barb, Birth|Fort Worth owner and Your Best Birth Class™ developer and instructor, for almost as long as I've been a birth photographer. She was one of my favorite doulas to work with because of her vast knowledge and the amazing support she provided you as well as your birth team. While she is no longer offering doula services, you can get all her tips and tricks for the best-prepared labor and delivery experience through her birth class.
The Quick info:
Your Best Birth Class has been voted the Best Birth Class by DFW and Fort Worth Child Magazine since the categories' inception.
Options include a comprehensive in-person, virtual, or private one day class, and quick 2 hr hospital focused course.
Only costs $250 out of pocket.
Offers A free, virtual breastfeeding class taught by author and veteran IBCLC, Chrisie Rosenthall, of The Land of Milk & Mommy
1:1 Inductions & C-Section Support
Your Best Birth Class™ taught me things I didn't know!
While this class is highly encouraged for unmedicated births, especially for home and birth center births, even those planning a hospital birth with or without medical pain relief can benefit.
Because knowledge is power, right?
Barb’s way of teaching it not only thorough but visual. Barb brings so many tools, props, and resources so she doesn't just tell you what to do or what is going to happen, she explains why and shows how it works visually. You walk away completely understanding everything. When I say everything, I mean everything.
So what does Your Best Birth Class™ include?
It’s quite a lot!
Building a Birth Team
Set yourself up for success with Barb’s help. She teaches you what to look for in both a birth space and birth team so you get the support and experience you want and deserve.
Birthing Rights & Self-Advocacy Tools
Your Best Birth Class™ covers far more of this topic than what people assume it does. Often patients just go along with what they are told. The class covers your rights and how to advocate for yourself in depth so you know what you (or your provider and birth space) can say yes or no to, and how to speak up for yourself.
Optimal Fetal Positioning
Everything you need to know for easier labor and how to help baby move along. Que Barb's props and visuals!
End of Pregnancy Tests and Procedures
What to expect and how to navigate your options as you near your birthing day.
Birth Plans 101
Learn how to effectively communicate your wishes to your care provider and how to plan for the unexpected. I love this section because so much emphasis is put on birth plans. The reality is sometimes plans change. Barb helps you recognize how to develop and use the plan, but also, when to let go of the plan.
Induction Options & Labor Tools
What they are and how these tools can impact your labor. An overview of different pain management options is included (including epidural).
Hormones in Labor (& how to put them to work for you)
This may have been one of my favorite topics. We know hormones have a big impact on our bodies. In birth, well, that's a swarm of bees in a honey factory. Your Best Birth™ class gives an in-depth explanation of what hormones show up strong, what they do, and why they are actually one of those blessings in disguise.
Labor Sights & Sounds
This portion of the class is a secret roadmap for partner support during labor. She teaches the varied visual and auditory cues that happen during labor and how your support person can instantly know when and how to support you based on the cue. It helps your partner become an action-oriented part of your birth support team.
Hands-On Comfort Measures
During birth, we often teach partners a few comfort measures on the fly. Barb teaches and guides your partner with hands-on instruction and practice of how respond to those cues and effectively help you during the labor process.
Breathwork for Labor 3 Types of Breathing for Birth
Heads up - It's more than just Lamaze! And your partner will learn how to help you refocus and control your breath during the moments you lose control of your pain and want to crawl out of your skin. Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us.
Breast/Bodyfeeding Basics
Armed with her crochet boobs, Barb gives you all the tips and tricks along with the whys that I only wish someone had told me when I was new to breastfeeding. She covers latch, positioning & how to know your baby is getting enough to eat. She gives an overview of common obstacles with tips to avoid and overcome them.
Tips and Tricks for the 4th Trimester
Practical, fact-based information and a few parenting hacks to make your life easier as you settle in with your new baby. This alone could be a whole class in itself.
After class is over, you aren't just sent on your merry way.
Barb arms you with a bound notebook of information and you also have access to a student portal filled with more resources, how-to videos, and extra tips she goes over in your class. So if baby brain hits (as it often does) and you don't remember a thing by the time your contractions start, you and your partner have access to everything right there when you need it.
What really sets Your Best Birth™ plan apart?
The two additional individual support sessions you receive in addition to the class itself.
A 45 minute Birth Plan Session with Barb
You get to sit down with her and her expertise and craft your custom birth plan to share with your team. Often my clients have said they created a birth plan, but it is mostly just something they grab off the internet. Barb sits down with you and helps you go through all the things in a super educated and informative way so your birth plan can actually help you effectively communicate and is not just a randomized vague list.
Second, and this is worth it’s weight in gold…
1:1 Induction OR C-Section prep call
There is nothing more nerve wracking for clients than hearing their provider say they need a C-section. And inductions? Even when they are chosen, there are a lot of options as well as unexpected the unexpected. Having Barb help you navigate both of these, from beginning to end, is the biggest blessing you could give yourself.
Depending on the situation, there is a lot of information you often don’t get or it is so much so fast it just doesn’t register. As a birth photographer, I wish this a stand alone session clients could purchase as needed because it’s so valuable.
But wait - There's more!
Fort Worth Birth also offers a few other classes and services to help you on this new parenting journey. While I haven't attended these classes, I know from Barb and other parents that they are just as valuable as the birth class.
2-Hour Hospital Prep Class
If you're planning a hospital birth, this class is great for those seeking a lower-intervention birth in the hospital setting. Whether you're interested in medical pain relief or even unmedicated, this course teaches a variety of solutions and information for use within the hospital setting. It covers several topics discussed in the full-day program but also includes information on inductions and cesarean births.
Newborn Care Basics class
This class is the answer to the "Oh my gosh someone let us take home a newborn baby! What do we do now??" feeling. Newborn parent life is a fun time where you realize you have no clue what is normal and what is not.
This class is perfect.
Barb is like the aunt that shows up helps out, and tells you what you should expect. And her delivery - so , friendly, engaging, and non-judgemental. BONUS You get to delve into the post-poartum care that most after-birth information is missing. This is the info that really helps you recover fully and recover well. It’s the info that most people are completely oblivious about. Did you know you have a dinner plate-sized wound left on your abdomen where your placenta was attached? Me, either!
Parenting Support
Seriously, where was this when my daughter was born? Birth | Fort Worth's Parenting Education service provides parents with that extra support throughout their baby's first year. From getting your newborn to sleep all the way to potty training, Barb lends her experience and expert knowledge to help take the stress out of that first parenting year.
There are so many options out there when it comes to childbirth, especially childbirth classes. I rarely recommend things I haven't experienced or seen because birth is such a personal and intense life event. Being able to see Your Best Birth Class™ as a fly on the wall, I can tell you it is worth every penny. It really is the best decision that that makes such a positive impact on every birth.