Birth & Life Photography

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The Little Black Dress

Every woman has one or should have one.  It is the one staple item that can take every woman from jeans & t-shirt, plain Jane to confident, glamorous, and sexy in an hour.

One is never over-dressed or underdressed with a Little Black Dress. ― Karl Lagerfeld

Amazingly enough, shopping for a little black dress is quite simple without the self-loathing that comes with bathing suit shopping.  In fact, department stores recognize the importance of the little black dress with sections dedicated to the staple and even let you filter your online search based solely on this one article of clothing.

If only everything else in life was so simple and elegant.

Like home decor.  Don't you wish there was a little black dress for decorating your home?

I, like many homeowners, have flipped through the monthly subscriptions of House Beautiful, Better Homes & Gardens, Southern Living, Veranda, and goodness knows what other publications.  I've turned page after page with longing to have my home so beautifully stylized as those featured homes.

Oh, if only I had an entry way so beautifully organized and welcoming with the perfect wall art! My house would always be company ready!  Or a breakfast nook with splashes of tangerine that felt so warm and family centered.

Then I find myself in Hobby Lobby, or Kirkland's, World Market, or At Home... and I have no frickin' idea what choices to make.

Have you done this?  Walk into any home decor store and be completely overwhelmed by all the options? Are any of them really 'YOU'? Is something better going to come out next season that would be better? And here's the mother of all the questions:

Do I really value that $150 generic, mass-printed canvas of some random abstract art or flower or lady in a red dress?

No. No, I don't.  Nothing in the stores reflects anything that I value in life. So I walk out empty handed. Or with a new cute coffee mug.  Because Lord knows I value coffee.

Trendy is the last stage before tacky. —Karl Lagerfeld

A few years ago, wildfire threatened the area of Texas where we lived.  The conversation among friends focused on how we were preparing by packing our valuables in case we had to evacuate.  The things we valued most were in our cars.  There was one common theme among everyone I had talked to - photographs.  All of us had taken years of family photos off the wall, albums, and other photographs, and loaded them into our vehicles

The things we all valued most were our memories.

So when it comes to decorating walls, I now skip the home decor stores. Instead, I showcase what I value most in my life: my family.

When I started my business, I spent a good few months shopping for the best possible photographic products. I didn't want to offer you anyrhing you wouldn't value. I found "the little black dress" for your home and your memories.  Our little black (or silver, bronze, pewter, etc.) archival frames make your home look like a designer came in with a million bucks and without the stress of digging through racks of cheap frames and generic canvas prints you don't value.

Fashions fade, style is eternal. —Yves Saint Laurent

Instead, you'll value that $150 fine art, ready to hang, unique family portrait that isn't just home decor, but the one thing you value most. Family.