Birth & Life Photography

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I have a mom-crush. Do you?

You know, one of those moms who is not just a fabulous mother, but also a busy professional who makes it look so easy to balance everything and crush it all? Yeah, a mom-crush.

This mom, Jennifer, is my mom-crush.

I met Jennifer at a mutual friend's wedding after I first started photography semi-professionally. She was the maid-of-honor; I was the friend/photographer.  One Facebook friend request and eight years later, here we are.

When I met Jennifer, she was single and working her way through law school at Texas Tech.  Today, Jennifer is a proud fireman’s wife and mom of two really cool boys, and manages to balance all that motherhood/lawyer/philanthropist life entails with absolute grace.  Not only is Jennifer an attorney, she teaches criminal and business law courses at Texas Lutheran University, is President of her local ISD foundation board, and recently ran for County Attorney and WON. All while working on her PhD.  And she’s only 35!

Mom-crush material, right??

So, I had to ask Jennifer to share her three secrets to the balancing act. Clearly, she is an expert, and we all are looking for a few secrets to make life easier.

Jennifer's Secrets to Super Mom Success:

    1. Never sleep (Well, 4-5 hours will work). You get the most done in the dark of night while those sweet babies sleep.  Hold them whether they are tiny babies or not. Always remember you are working for them to make their lives better.
    2. Set small goals so you can accomplish at least one thing a day and feel good about yourself. Set the long term goal far enough ahead that you have a challenge to chase after.
    3. Eat three Oreos a day. Yes, work out. Yes, eat right, but have a tiny vice that is OK. And enjoy it.

There you have it, friends! The secret to the balanced life! I suggest starting with the three Oreos.

In today's world of social media, people are quick to judge a mom and smack a “bad mom” label on. Yesterday, I saw a post from the Weatherford Police Department thanking two kids for giving an office water while working.  The very first comment was about their kids' bare feet on the pavement.  What was meant to be accolades for these kids turned into mom-shamming, yet again.

So today, on this blog, let’s talk positive about awesome moms!

Do you have a mom crush? I'd love to hear about the moms you admire!

much love, alex